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Are there "Side Effects of Eating Sunchokes?" and "Does it taste bad?"

I get asked these two questions more than anything else regarding Sunchokes! If you have visited the History page you will see a quote about the gases that can arise from these vegetables! What I have been telling people adding Sunchokes to their diet is to start out slow. Just eat a quarter to a half of a Sunchoke for the first few days. You will know if they have any un-wanted effects. If so, just cut back on the amount for a week or so and then gradually eat more of the vegetable as time goes on. We are all different so you will need to be your own researcher on this one!

Taste. I believe most people think if they have not eaten something unkonw to them it's for a good reason!. I will tell you that if you have not tried a Sunchoke you need to try one today. The taste is subtle and slighly sweet. Some people have commented that is has a nutty, walnut like taste. I would agree with that. The main thing is that the Sunchoke is not repulsive to the taste buds. I have yet to meet someone that has said that the taste is absolutely repulsive. So go out to day and find a Sunchoke and expand your weekly menu items towards good health!

Total Immersion

I have been interviewed by newspapers, doctors, nutritionists, plumbers, musicians, nurses, gas station attendants, coffee shop workers, truck drivers, mechanics, professors, students, housewives and everyone in between on how I beat diabetes.

I have thought about this for awhile. I can see in people's eyes the skeptical thoughts running through their minds. Having thought about my journey with diabetes I would say this; total immersion. When confronted with a challenge I totally immerse myself with the issue at hand. With diabetes I learned everything I could about what was known about this disease. I read medical books, articles, interviews, searched the Internet, spoke with doctors and health care professionals and most of all people that have diabetes. There is nothing else that enters my mind while in this total immersion. I live and breathe the problem so I can figure out a possible solution. I did not set out to be my diabetes. I was told that I would have this medical condition for the remainder of my life. Perhaps I was in denial but I figured I had more time than money so I began my journey to seek a cure to my diabetes. Little did I know that I actually reversed my condition to a point that today I no longer take drugs for manage my diabetes. If I have the power then you have the power. I am just a regular person on this Earth. I possess no special powers except the free will that I was born with into this world. If you seek to change, change can only occur through total immersion. This immersion is the one thing that will save your life. You can find total immersion in eating raw vegetables, walking everyday and thinking positive thoughts. There are truisms that exists in the world. One truism that is this; "Knowledge not used is a sin." Now that I have knowledge I am sharing it freely with you. I am not the "master of the keys", I am not going to be "high-minded" about my knowledge. Hopefully I had shed some light on the how and why I have come to know what I know. I would best sum it up as total immersion.

"There Are No Old Diabetics..."

A long-time friend of mine told me today that he was diagnosed with diabetes. He came to me and asked me how to get started. He wanted to be cured. I told him that only you can cure yourself however I can tell you what I did to cure myself of diabetes. I explained that I did not want him to take this the wrong way. I did not say that to be mean-spirited but I said it to let him know that only you, yourself can save yourself. I can help but only so far. The hard work is really up to you to manage or eliminate diabetes from your life. I gave him a short guideline to get started. He told me that his nurse called and told him over the phone that his blood work showed that he was now a diabetic. She told him no to worry about it over the weekend. The nurse said that the doctor will make an appointment to discuss with him in person his health situation. I don't know if I personally would tell someone over the phone that they had a disease but who knows. My doctor called me and asked my wife and I to come in to see him personally. He didn't give me the news until I was settled in at his office. Then my doctor walked in and gave me the news. Even after he told my wife and I the news I didn't think it was that serious. Overall I didn't feel bad. I knew something was wrong with me falling asleep in the afternoon and the fact that I went to the bathroom a lot. I told my friend basically what the doctor will tell him next week. You need to take the diagnosis of diabetes seriously. I told my friend that you will need to check your feet everyday for blisters and cuts. Any minor cut and you will need to see a doctor. Any cut needs medical attention because the body has a reduced capability to heal itself. This lack of healing leads to infections which then could lead to amputations of body parts. I told my friend he will need to lose over one hundred pounds. He will need to eat greens and "live" food. No more fries and fried food. Very little processed food. No fast foot. He will need to drink more water than he would think is normal. I know. I've been there. I told him, "There Are No Old Diabetics!" The time is now to kick this disease out of his life. Diabetes will not wait for you. With every heart beat the extra sugar that is bouncing around inside your body is breaking down your cell walls. This constant motion of breaking down of your cell walls is what will lead to your early death. There are no old diabetics. However, if you begin your line of attack today you can and will cure your diabetes. At the very least you can keep it under control. Can you go back to eating the things you liked in the past. Maybe, but in very small portions or maybe not at all. It didn't take one day to become diabetic and it will take a long time to get it under control but it can be done. I did it. I conquered my diabetes and I have it under control. Do I sit in restaurants and which I could eat whatever I wish? Of course I do. But I ask myself I want to return to stigma of being a diabetic and of course I do not. I like the fact that I can see better than I have in years, I don't have numbness in my fingers and toes, I do not fall asleep in the middle of the day everyday and I thank God everyday that I am alive. After facing death everyday is a good day. I keep telling myself that there are no old diabetics and hopefully I will be here on this Earth for a few more years.

Misery Loves You...

I am perperplexed about some people. When you have a solution starring you in the face wouldn't you think people would just run to the answer? Sadly, this has not been the case. People do not easily change from one mind set to another. I believe for some people that their only friend is their disease. They cling to it like an old pair of shoes. Only you can break out. No one else can make you change, not your doctor, your spouse, your friends or your pet! Only you can take control of your live. No if's, and's or but's allowed! Misery loves company. Pretend that misery is an employee of your company, and fire them! Take the first step to regaining your health, today!

Thoughts are Things...

"Thoughts are Things". This is a big statement. But if we look inside we know it's true. What in our lives has ever been accomplished with bad thoughts? Nothing that I can think of! So keep your mind clear and away from dark thoughts. Our mind somettimes has a way to take us to dark places that do not exist.


People have told me more than once, "The price of those Sunchokes are expensive!" My reply has always been to say, hold that amount next to your next doctors office visit bill! Now you are seeing it in an entirely new light! Remember, you only have to eat the Sunchokes until your sugar levels are consistently in the normal range. Then you can stop eating them until your sugar levels rise. Or, they may never rise back. This would be the best outcome! Remember, many people have been cured of their diabtes and so can you!


What's normal. Who knows! But when it comes to blood sugar readings your meter knows! Diabetics have to work as though they are a normal part of the population. A diabetics day comes and goes like everyone elses. We may have to work a bit harder to be "normal" but that alright. Things could always be worse...

Kristin Spehar...

My upcoming book will be dedicated to the memory of Kristin Spehar. She was a beautiful person whom endured so much hardship with diabetes. I still remember her opening the door for me when she was a little girl. I remember that pretty little face, smiling, looking up at me. Her whole life was ahead of her filled with the hope and promise of a young life. Little did anyone know that that many of her days would be spent at hospitals and office visits seeking a cure for her diabetes. I will never forget Kristin Spehar, may you journey well.

Sunchoke Flower


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