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Estella and her husband have a farm near Toronto, Canada. They grow 2 varieties of Sunchokes. I'm not sure what each family is officially names. If anyone knows please contact us and we will post the family names. As you can see the long, tubular Sunchokes are at the top of the plate. The short, round variety are at the bottom of the plate. These look exactly like the Sunchokes I grow here in Michigan.
Thank you Estella for sending this wonder photo!
I began growing these plants in a few large growing pots. Within a couple of weeks they were sprouting and growing. I poured an 8 ounce of water into the pot each day. When they grew to be over two feet tall I transplanted them into the backyard.
Mid-sized Sunchoke Plants:
These Sunchokes are on their way to growing to almost 11 feet tall. The average is 8 to 11 feet in height.
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You can keep track of your daily, weekly or monthly blood sugar test results with this handy spreadsheet. As you enter in your test numbers a graph will automatically tell you what your morning and afternoon readings are. Also, you will get a second chart that will tell you your blood sugar averages. This is great becuase it's the long-term sugar results that are important.
Be sure to print your spreadsheet and take it to your next doctor appointment. Give them a copy to put into your records!
Note: You will need Excel or another program to open this spreadsheet.